Today Alice writes:
Recently my husband and I have accepted that we are in dire need of an update on our window blinds. Unfortunately however, we’re stuck on choosing cordless wood blinds over wood blinds with a cord. We’re just not sure which choice of blind makes the most sense? Please help us Diva, we are lost on this one!
Alice, you are not alone in dealing trying to figure this out. Choosing cordless wood blinds or not is one of the most common questions I have had recently. Sadly, there is never an easy answer. Basically it comes down to this – do you have children or pets needing to be safe from blind cords? I ask this as choosing this type of blind largely depends on whether there’s a need for them or not. If you have kids or pets potentially getting caught up in the blind cords, then clearly going with cordless blinds is the best option. If however, you do not have kids or pets, then you will have more flexibility when thinking of new blinds. Odds are a corded wood blind would more than meet your needs. The only deciding factor left in this case is really appearance.
Now not to add to your indecision here, but have you also considered what kind of light control you are shooting for? TV rooms, bedrooms and so forth you will generally want to make sure you are buying wood blinds that will give you maximum light control so you can use your window treatments to block out the sun.
Levolor for instance, has wood blinds available at most big box stores, that offer something called Lightmaster ™ . Basically this is a wood blind feature that will give you the best in light control for your blinds. Hence, when they’re shut – they’re shut. As for the corner styles, etc. Well, that is more something that you have to browse around and see what appeals most to you personally. Most people go with the standard corners, but there is something to be said about the aesthetic value of a rounded corner in a blind as well. And as you can see, installing these blinds is very easy to do. Just watch the video for a quick how-to.
That’s all there really is to choosing a great set of wood blinds. Deciding on going cordless or not, really just comes down to what your lifestyle requires. In most cases, using coded blinds is just fine and even better, they are cheaper in most cases as well. With any luck, my thoughts above helped you in selecting the right blinds for your needs. Good luck!
Do you have questions about the selecting or the installation of: tile, carpet wall treatments (window blinds, etc)? Then email me your tale of woe and perhaps I will be able to answer your questions right here at the Home Makeover Diva Blog!