Levolor Transformations Day/Night Shades

Today Regina writes:

I have Levolor cellular shades on every window in my house, except for three windows in the family room. I want to put cellular shades on them, but I’m torn. I can’t decide between one shade that stops all the light from coming in and another that looks more like a sheer. What should I do? The TV is opposite of the windows, so there could be a lot of glare. But there is a view and I don’t want to block it. Please, help!

Regina, you’re not the only one to ask this question recently! Especially since spring has begun and the sun is showing itself more. The good news is you can even stay with the same company as your other cellular shades, because Levolor has a line called Transformations.

Levolor Tranformations Day/Night Shades let’s you have two different shades in one window treatment.  Which is why they are also known as day/night shades. Because one fabric is for daytime use and the other is for night-time, in your situation this is the perfect solution for your three windows. You can have your sheer fabric in use during the day when you want to enjoy your view and later at night-time or when your watching TV you can use the light blocking fabric.

Levolor Transformations Day/Night Shades

Levolor Transformations day/night shades operate much like a bottom up/top down shade, in that there are two controls. One controls the bottom shade, allowing you to open or close it and the other controls the position of the top shade. It is also important to note that when you’re looking at the shades, they will looks slightly different from the cellular shades you already have. All the fabric of the extra shade either stays at the top of the shade near the headrail or at the bottom near the bottom rail, depending on which position the shade is in. The rest of the shade including the fabric, will match the rest of your window treatments. Typically most people wouldn’t even notice the difference unless the shades were installed right next to each other. Considering your windows are separate from the other shades in your home this shouldn’t be an issue.

Because the shades are literally two shades in one, expect to pay double the price of a regular cellular shade. I believe the way the price is figured is literally by adding up the cost of one shade with the cost of the other fabric as a shade and then adding some kind of day/night headrail surcharge. Considering the fact that you get the dual functionality in a cellular shade I think it is well worth the price difference, but it is good to know what to expect before ordering.

So you see Regina, there is no reason to stress out about what you can put on those three windows. You can have both and they will match your existing shades! If only all of life’s problems were this easy!

Do you have questions about the selecting or the installation of: tile, carpet or wall treatments (window blinds, etc)? Then email me your tale of woe (diva(at)homemakeoverdiva.com) and perhaps I will be able to answer your questions right here at the Home Makeover Diva Blog!