Today Aundra writes:
I want hardwood floors desperately but am afraid I will be wasting my money because we have 2 large dogs. Can hardwood floors and large dogs coexist in the same home?
Yes, hardwood floors and large dogs can coexist in your home. You just have to be savvy about what type of hardwood you put in your home. I’d like to tell you that as long as you pick something over 2000 on the Janka hardness scale you will do fine. But that is not always the case. Just because you pick a harder wood flooring does not mean that your floors will fair well with your dogs and everyday use. It is important to see how the finish holds up as well.
Typically speaking, shinny finishes can scratch easier than duller finishes; or at least they’re seen easier. No matter what type of wood you are looking at, try the key test to see how it will hold up in your home. For the key test: hold your keys about shoulder height above a piece of the flooring and drop them. Then pick up the flooring piece to examine it for scratches and dents. This will give you an idea of how it will hold up against your dogs and everyday use.
Another option is to go with a flooring that is already distressed, this way anything your dogs do will add to the character of your hardwood flooring! If you decide to go this route look for hand scraped or character grade wood flooring. Between the surface being slightly wavy or the knot holes this type of wood flooring makes for perfect camouflage!
Do you have questions about the selecting or the installation of: tile, carpet or wall treatments (window blinds, etc)? Then email me your tale of woe and perhaps I will be able to answer your questions right here at the Home Makeover Diva Blog!